  • July 27, 2024
  • 3 min read

Ukraine Unveils AI-Generated Foreign Ministry Spokesperson

Ukraine Unveils AI-Generated Spokesperson: Meet Victoria Shi

In a groundbreaking move, Ukraine’s foreign ministry has introduced an AI-generated spokesperson named Victoria Shi. Modeled after Ukrainian singer and former reality show contestant Rosalie Nombre, Victoria Shi represents a “technological leap” in the realm of diplomacy and international relations.

Details about Victoria Shi

Dressed in a dark suit, Victoria Shi introduced herself as a “digital person” during her debut presentation, which was shared across social media platforms. The AI-generated spokesperson gesticulates with her hands and moves her head as she speaks, delivering official statements on behalf of Ukraine’s foreign ministry.

While the statements themselves will be written and verified by human diplomats, Victoria Shi’s appearance and voice are generated using artificial intelligence technology. Her creators, a team called the Game Changers, have also produced virtual reality content related to the ongoing war in Ukraine.

“It’s only the visual part that the AI helps us to generate,” said Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine’s foreign minister. “The main reason for creating her was saving time and resources for diplomats.”

Implications for Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry

The introduction of Victoria Shi as an AI spokesperson is a significant move by Ukraine’s foreign ministry, aimed at streamlining their communication efforts and optimizing resource allocation. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, the ministry hopes to enhance efficiency and free up valuable time for diplomats to focus on more pressing matters.

To ensure transparency and prevent the spread of misinformation, each statement delivered by Victoria Shi will be accompanied by a QR code that links back to the official text version on the ministry’s website. This measure is designed to combat potential deepfake attempts and maintain the integrity of official communications.

Potential Impact on International Relations

The introduction of an AI-generated spokesperson in the realm of international diplomacy could have far-reaching implications. While the technology behind Victoria Shi is groundbreaking, it also raises questions about the role of artificial intelligence in shaping global narratives and influencing public perception.

As nations grapple with the rapid advancement of AI technologies, the use of virtual spokespersons like Victoria Shi may spark discussions around ethical considerations, transparency, and the potential risks associated with the misuse of such powerful tools.


Ukraine’s decision to unveil Victoria Shi, the world’s first AI-generated foreign ministry spokesperson, marks a significant milestone in the integration of artificial intelligence into the realm of international diplomacy. As the technology continues to evolve, it will be crucial for governments and organizations to navigate the ethical and practical implications of leveraging AI in such high-stakes domains.

By embracing cutting-edge technologies like generative AI, Ukraine aims to stay ahead of the curve and set new standards for efficiency and innovation in global affairs. The success of this initiative could pave the way for other nations to explore similar approaches, ushering in a new era of AI-augmented diplomacy.


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