  • September 20, 2024
  • 5 min read

Gigantic Opportunity for Agentic AI: Insights from Jensen Huang and Marc Benioff

In a captivating discussion at Salesforce’s flagship Dreamforce event, Nvidia founder and CEO Jensen Huang and Salesforce chair, CEO, and co-founder Marc Benioff delved into the transformative potential of Agentic AI, a revolutionary concept that envisions AI agents collaborating seamlessly with humans and other agents. As the tech giants shared their insights, a palpable excitement filled the air, hinting at the extraordinary advancements on the horizon.

Agentic AI: Unlocking a Collaborative Future

According to Huang, the opportunity for AI agents in the near future is “gigantic.” He emphasized that the progress in AI development has been “spectacular and surprising,” with the industry entering the “flywheel zone” – a critical point where technology accelerates at an unprecedented pace, surpassing even the famed Moore’s Law.

“This is an extraordinary time,” Huang declared. “In no time in history has technology moved faster than Moore’s Law. We’re moving way faster than Moore’s Law, are arguably reasonably Moore’s Law squared.”

Envisioning a future where AI agents collaborate seamlessly, Huang painted a picture of agents understanding subtleties, reasoning, and working together. These agents will not only assemble and collaborate with one another but also engage with humans, soliciting feedback to enhance their dialogue and outputs continually.

“We’ll have agents working with agents, agents working with us,” said Huang. “We’re going to supercharge the ever-loving daylights of our company. We’re going to come to work, and a bunch of work we didn’t even realize needed to be done will be done.”

Demystifying AI Adoption

Both Huang and Benioff acknowledged the need to demystify AI adoption, making it more accessible and understandable for everyone. Benioff emphasized the importance of people being able to “actually understand” how AI agents work and their purpose, urging them to “get their hands in the soil.”

“Building an agent should not be some computer science fair project,” Benioff asserted, underscoring the need for a seamless and intuitive adoption process.

Huang recognized the challenges that lie ahead, including fine-tuning and guardrailing AI systems. However, he highlighted the rapid advancements scientists are making in these areas, with AI being used to curate data and create a safe curriculum to teach AI itself.

“It’s now reasoning about ‘Is the answer I’m generating sufficiently safe and proper, and is it the best possible answer I can be providing?'” Huang explained, showcasing the self-improving nature of AI technology.

Nvidia’s Pioneering Role in AI Acceleration

Reflecting on Nvidia’s journey, Huang shared insights into the company’s strategic decisions that positioned them as a frontrunner in the AI revolution. Early on, Nvidia recognized the limitations of general-purpose computing and focused on accelerated computing architecture, augmenting CPUs with GPUs and building out their DGX platform.

“We knew that if we wanted to be a computing platform, we had to be architecturally compatible,” said Huang. “The fundamental tenant of the company was selecting problems that this computer architecture could solve.”

Nvidia’s commitment to porting complex algorithms into their Cuda computing platform and leveraging deep learning paved the way for groundbreaking advancements. Huang recounted the pivotal moment when they realized the potential of unsupervised learning, recognizing that humans would be limiters of digital AI due to the impossibility of labeling data at scale.

“The breakthrough was when we realized that unsupervised learning was going to be possible,” he said. “We knew today was going to come all along.”

Seizing the Opportunities of Agentic AI

As the discussion unfolded, both Huang and Benioff expressed their unwavering enthusiasm and motivation for the transformative potential of Agentic AI. Huang described a tangible excitement, stating, “It’s within your grasp. We can do this. We can make a real contribution.”

Emphasizing the importance of lifelong learning, Huang acknowledged his humility and the understanding that he doesn’t know everything. “When you learn something it gets you fired up,” he said. “When you connect to random ideas that nobody realized could be connected, you get fired up.”

With Nvidia and others poised to bring a level of automation capability that the world has never seen, Huang marveled at the once-in-a-lifetime and once-in-a-generation position his company finds itself in. “Right now it’s just too thrilling, don’t you think? Nobody should miss the next decade. You’re not going to want to miss this movie,” he exclaimed, capturing the excitement surrounding the AI revolution.


As the discussion between Jensen Huang and Marc Benioff drew to a close, it became evident that the future of AI lies in collaboration – between agents, humans, and the pioneering companies driving this technological revolution. The concept of Agentic AI promises to unlock new realms of productivity, innovation, and human-machine synergy, propelling businesses and societies into a future where the boundaries of what’s possible are constantly being redefined.

With industry giants like Nvidia and Salesforce at the forefront, the path towards an AI-driven future is being paved, one groundbreaking advancement at a time. As we stand on the precipice of this transformative era, it’s clear that embracing AI agents and autonomous organizations will be crucial for organizations seeking to stay ahead of the curve and unlock unprecedented levels of efficiency, creativity, and growth.

The future of AI collaboration is no longer a distant dream; it’s a reality that’s unfolding before our eyes. Are you ready to revolutionize your AI projects and embrace the transformative power of Agentic AI?

Nvidia and Salesforce CEOs Discuss the Future of AI Collaboration


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